Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Demonstration That Never Happened - And Never Will

Leftist secular demonstrators recently descended upon south Tel Aviv and demanded that the government support and aid the Charedim in every way possible. They held up signs saying things like "אנחנו אוהבים חרדים". They insisted that given the poverty of so many Charedim and the important contributions they make to this country and to the Jewish people [like by preserving the Jewish religion] it is unconscionable that they should be so poor. Their Yeshivos and Seminaries need more funding. In addition, said the demonstrators, they should be allowed to refrain from serving in Tzahal on religious grounds alone. They have their principles and rules and must be respected in our democratic, liberal country. The army is not conducive to their high standards and religious values.

Oh, I got SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO confused. In fact, they were demonstrating in favor of black illegal immigrants who snuck into the country from Africa and held signs saying "ואהבתם את הגר" b/c it is well known that leftist secularists love all of mankind and think only of others. Their rabid hatred of religious people is only b/c religious people never [in their twisted minds] do anything good.... Not like the warmhearted chesed-and-tzdaka-filled Left.

The demonstration for the Charedim hasn't happened quite yet because illegal immigrants from Africa is what this country needs. Not more Jews who produce and reproduce so many more Jews.  

A little satire for this Thursday..... 😂😃😘

Mussar Haskel: Love everybody who is worthy of love. But start at home with family....