From an email that has been circulating about a 23 year old boy with cancer, Hashem Yerachem.
He has Adult Neuroblastoma, it's usually found only in children, he's 6'5". His back was hurting him and has been going from Dr to Dr. They gave him advil, painkillers and therapy. The family insisted on an MRI and found a tumor that had crushed his vertebrate. He had it removed and rods put in.
They originally found two more tumors and the biopsy was taking, what felt like an eternity to come back and it was cancer. It was hard to diagnose because it's so rare and he's not a child. They made a plan to treat it and test more and unfortunately he has all over his body. Stage 4.They are treating it very aggressively and he had his first round of chemo and other treatments as well. He's down over 20 lbs and had to have a transfusion today.
Dov Nechemia HaKohen ben Chai Sarah