Monday, May 27, 2013


Re: My post on the baby sitter who was doing some very inappropriate surfing.

I received an email from a concerned therapist-in-training that this girl shouldn't just be written off but should be helped [the purpose of the email was to brainstorm as to how to appraoch the issue]. She of course is going to confront the problem and deal with it, with the help of whoever needs to get involved. I should have mentioned that part.....

Another email I received encouraged everyone to have a filter on their Internet. Point well taken. [I understand that kids learn how to bypass the filter but it is certainly better than nothing]. He added in the name of a well known rabbi in Riverdale Ir HaTorah, that one should not have yichud with the Internet. Great idea. One should also, I may add, not have yichud with a member of the opposite gender. Ignoring that prohibition is the cause of no small amount of tragedies in our communities. והמבין יבין.

I thank my two beloved friends for their insight and readership:).

This girl is all of our responsibility as כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה.