Sunday, May 19, 2013

Don't Waste:)


The Heiliger Kojiklover in his Eretz Tzvi [simman 25] quotes R' Pinchas Koretzer: The gemara says that one must not speak "dvarim bteilim" [ודברת בם ולא בדברים בטלים יומא יט]. The simple meaning is wasted words such as "I really like mustard on my hot dog. Ketchup is OK but I am more of a mustard guy. And with Coke. I like Pepsi but I like Coke better". Besides not having a very healthy diet this person is wasting his words by saying things which bring no benefit to society. Most newspapers are filled with dvarim bteilim. So are blogs and websites. And talk shows.

But R' Pinchas has a different derher: Sometimes a person speaks words of mussar or Chassidus that don't bring one to action but remain in the realm of the abstract. These are wasted words because they didn't change a person at all.... 

There is a scary parallel drawn by the sfarim between a wasted word, "מילה" and wasted something else, which also comes from the "מילה". Wasting either are serious offenses....