I recently posted an article from the הערות journal suggesting that genetic testing could possibly be used to help prove that someone is not a kohen if we already have a serious doubt as to his lineage such as a baal tshuva whose parents might not really know or be believed when they say that they are kohanim.
I received an email from a friend/ talmid chochom telling me that this is a very problematic suggestion, so I want to write a clarification.
1] NOTHING I write is to be used halacha li-myse. I am not a posek but a mere beginner in Torah. ALL that I write is להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה - To further Torah knowledge and study [and hopefully yiras Shomayim and ahavas Hashem, which are the primary components of a Jew].
2] I did an Internet search and an Otzar Hachochma search and discovered [to my dismay] that there is almost no discussion of this issue in the contemporary poskim. I only found two people who raised the question and both came to the same conclusion as the author of the article I copied - Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin [a world famous authority on medical halacha] and one of the Poskei Ha-dor, HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Valdenberg ztz"l. I updated the article and added these two sources.
IF anybody has any more sources or original proofs to bring more light to this question I would be indebted.
I thank you and particuarly the person who sent the email.