This is, like, the BIGGEST hit around these days.
And I DON'T "get it". I don't mean musically. Catchy tune. Nice beat. Just the other night I was at a wedding dancing to it. I "get" why people like the music.
I "don't get it" theologically and existentially. בהסתרה - Hiding. Hashem is hiding. הסתרה שבהסתרה? A DOUBLE concealment. What הסתרה?? There is NO הסתרה. Hashem is NOT hiding anywhere. He is right here with me in my room and you in yours. Even in times of distress.
For every ounce of pain we experience we are going to receive infinite eternal bliss that all of the treaures of this world could not provide. Guaranteed. He loves us and it was absolutely for the best. Not that יהיה טוב - it WILL BE good but כבר טוב - it already IS good. No הסתרה.
What about all of the brachos we enjoy?! I wake up ..... I woke up!! Plenty of people were alive yesterday and are not alive today. Thank you Hashem for waking me up! My eyes work!!! A piece of flesh can SEE!! A miracle. I can discern billions of different colors, shapes and sizes. No הסתרה! I can hear!! Billions of different sounds and songs. My tongue can enjoy millions of different tastes. A miracle!! No הסתרה! So many revelations of Hashem in our daily life.
What about the pasuk that talks about the הסתרה of Hashem - ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני? The pasuk [Dvarim 31/ 18] says explicity that Hashem does hide His face from us?? Yes, but look in the previous pasuk. It says that all of this evil befalls us because WE SAID אין א-להי בקרבי - that Hashem is not among us. The hiding is coming from OUR SIDE. When WE HIDE then Hashem hides. But if we look at objective reality and KNOW that Hashem is with us then we will find Him. Through the power of our faith we can cause Him to reveal Himself [Sfas Emes in many places]. Wow!
In the Medrash at the beginning of Parshas Vaera it says that Hashem was very angry with Moshe for saying למה הרעותה לעם הזה - Why did you cause evil to befall this nation? The Avos never complained even when things were rough so why do you?! Rav Yakov Neiman in his Darkei Mussar explained that Hashem was saying that it is not that you [Moshe] shouldn't plead on behalf of Am Yisrael but that you shouldn't frame things in terms of רע. NOTHING that Hashem does is evil. Everything that happens is PER-FECTO! Exactly what we need in order to fulfill our purpose on earth.
So sweet, beloved friends!! Is it not going in shidduchim? PER-FECT! Your time will come but it obviously hasn't yet. I know people who were married with little trouble and the trouble started after.... Having trouble conceiving? Raising your children? Work is rough? Health isn't what you want it to be? Whatever you are struggling with you must ALWAYS try to perceive Hashem's loving Hand in all that happens. When you do that then you will discover that there is no הסתרה - He NEVER really conceals Himself. לרגע קטן עזבתיך וברחמים גדולים אקבצך - Two thousand years of feeling abandoned was just a split second compared to the wonderful redemption we are going to experience. The key is to "hang in there" and never let any doubt creep into your mind that Hashem is not with us. All of the kfirah on all of the websites [including many so-called "religious" ones written by people ignorant of Torah and empty of ruchniyus whose opinion is shaped more by what they read in the New York Times or Jerusalem Post than by what it says in the gemara - because they can't properly read a gemara...] will all evaporate like smoke on the day when sof-sof, Hashem reveals to one and all that for this entire journey - He was with us every step of the way. Don't put your faith in people. They almost always have personal, selfish interests. Their first priority is always going to be themselves or [in a better scenario] those they consider close to them. Trust in Hashem and Hashem alone. He will send you the right shlichim at the right time.
Then you will discover that eternal truth.
Ain Od Milvado. There is NO OTHER. Everything else is הבל הבלים!
אנחנו מאמינים בני מאמינים!
[גירסה מעודכנת ומצונזרת:-)]