Today is the segulah day for parnassa:-)!
Read the parsha of the mon, shnayim ikra vi-echad targum [and ignore all of the cynics who mock it]. It is a declaration of bitachon that all is in the hands of Hashem and has been undertaken by countless Jews in the later generations. More important than the declaration is the kavana behind it. Not your college degree or rich father/in law is going to provide for you but Hashem in whatever way he sees fit.
Interesting. I know people who have an advanced education and are struggling financially while others have little or no secular education and are flourishing. I know people from very wealthy families. They have rich parents, uncles, cousins etc. and yet they have almost nothing while others come from poor families and lack for nothing.
The bottom line is that parnassa is min ha-shomayim and we have to constantly remind ourselves of this. There are so many tense people out there and a little bitachon would go a long way in solving their emotional problems.