Is intellectualism, feminine? Rav Kook - absolutely not. Women are holy without the need for academic excellence. Men need to learn in order to reach a state of purity that women have naturally [no angry or "I'm offended" emails please. I didn't say it:-)].
Enough ego-centricism. Mitzvos are not only for the individual but for the good of the community. I agree with the article. Avodas Hashem is not about what I want or I need but about what HASHEM "wants". Ultimately, the Torah was given to us as a KLAL and not for the self aggrandizement of the individual. I recently read about a single girl who felt that classic halacha didn't give her enough of an opportunity to serve Hashem. Men have learning, minyan etc. but what do women have? Shiurim on the parsha, tehillim and chesed? Not enough:-). So she found the solution that works for her! Every time she finishes her monthly cycle she goes to mikva!:-) So spiritual! She is a tad bit envious of the other ladies on the mikva who have husbands for whom they immerse but she knows that her day will come. In the meantime, she found her path to spirituality. If she would ask me I would suggest that if she really feels a need to connect she should ask Hashem what HE determined is the path to closeness. Making up your own mitzvos is not the way. It is like a women buying her husband jewelry for his birthday because that is what SHE would like.... וד"ל.
Men and Women in the workplace: Mentschlechkeit vs. Tzniyus. The rule of אין אפוטרופוס לעריות must take the front seat, especially in our world. Chazal recommened an אומנות נקיה וקלה [end of Kiddushin] with a minimum or elimination of any interaction between the genders. It is most often impossible [unless you are in my field:-)] but there must be ground rules. There are too many baaad stories ......