I have a friend who is much better than I am. Everybody I know is much better than I am. But he is much-much better.
He helps "at-risk" teenagers with substance abuse addictions. Now, my friend is ALSO an addict. He has a loooong beard and wears a round rabbinic hat but he is a drug addict. The drug is called "cigarettes". He knowingly puts cancerous chemicals into his body numerous times a day - and pays for it!!!
So how can he help people break their addictions if he is also an addict?? Do I see a difference between cigarettes and other illegal drugs? No, besides the fact that lawmakers permit cigarettes but not drugs. Otherwise they are both a menace to the individual and society and most likely halachically forbidden.
So here is the lesson: If you want to educate your children, siblings etc. etc. first get your own act together. The best leadership and guidance are by personal example.
In the words of our Sages: קשוט עצמך תחילה ואח"כ קשוט אחרים.