Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Spiritual Vision

We live in the MOST prosperous and the MOST free society since the creation of the world. So why are so many Americans so unhappy and stressed out?

Apple announced that in a few days they are coming out with YET ANOTHER iphone. Do you think that anyone will go to his weekly therapy session and tell his therapist "I won't need to be coming anymore. There is a new iphone and I will find my happiness in the new features. Life problems solved!" 

Or a woman tells her therapist "I just got my shaitel styled. I am SOOOO happy with it. I will not need to see you again. This is what I was missing to make me happy." Women travel from as far away as L.A. to Brooklyn to have their shaitels done, so it must be awfully important...

What we are missing is OUR SOULSSSSS!!!!! 

All day long the talk is about the economy, economy, economy. A strong economy is important but not everything. 

"באין חזון יפרע עם" [משלי כ"ט י"ח] 

     "Without a vision, the nation will be out of control".