Monday, February 20, 2023

What Do YOU Think?

 A Chasidishe Yid who has undergone a great deal of emotional turmoil in his life has become a bit of a Jewish social media star. He sent out a video where he tells how he argued with other Chasidim as to whether parents should show physical affection to each other in front of the children. He felt strongly that they should. [His friends didn't...] He asked the viewers what THEY think. I was sent this video so I will share with you what I think. 

I think that this is the end of Judaism..... [CHAV VI-SHALOM!!!!] 

We have a Torah!!!!!!!!!!! Who CARESSSSSS what a little shmendrik like me thinks??!!! What does the TORAH say? What do our sources say??? OF COURSE one should think for oneself but only in order to understand the Torah - not to invent one's own religions and philosophies. G-d already told us His eternal truths so what more do we need?? So one could feel that for example two men in a consensual sexual relationship is a great idea if that works for them but alas, G-d expressed a different opinion. One could think that truly enjoying Shabbos means to turn on his phone and watch Netflix but once again he has been pre-empted by Hashem. I personally think intermarriage is a lovely idea. So universalist. So cosmopolitan. Loving ALL of G-d's creations!!! Your kids will only partially inherit Jewish guilt and other hangups we have!!! A FANTASTIC solution to the shidduch crisis!!! It REALLY opens up the field!!! And think of how this will give our Gentile brothers and sisters "insiders-access" to Jewish values!! Awesome kiruv opportunity!! But once again - not just a bad idea but an egregious sin. ASSUR-ASSUR-ASSUR!!!!!!!!馃槦馃槉

Back to kissing your Rebbetzin in front of the kids.

The Rema [讗讘讛"注 讻"讗 讛], the pre-eminent Ashkenazi posek, says based on the Gemara in Bava Basra [58] that physical affection is for private:

讬砖 讗讜诪专讬诐 讚讗讬谉 诇谞讛讜讙 讗驻讬诇讜 注诐 讗砖转讜 讘讚讘专讬诐 砖诇 讞讬讘讛, 讻讙讜谉 诇注讬讬谉 讘专讬砖讬讛 讗诐 讬砖 诇讜 讻讬谞讬诐, 讘驻谞讬 讗讞专讬诐 (谞"讬 驻专拽 讞讝拽转 讛讘转讬诐).

So if the Rema means that one should even not engage in physical contact even in front of children - then the question has been resolved. 

What is the rationale? Modesty. A LOVELY Jewish idea. Kiss your wife. Hug your wife. Do it often [as often as she likes!!]. But in private. Show your love for her in front of the children in non-physical ways. It is OKKKKKKK!!! There are many people who grew up in such homes and they turn out juuuuuust fine. 

If one is Sefardi - well then the Rema doesn't obligate him. I saw a Teshuva from a contemporary [Ashkenazi Dati Leumi] posek where he paskened that is is permitted for a couple to hold hands in public because he saw this Rema as advice but not binding halacha. OK. But the source must always be Torah and tradition [unless there are no sources and then one can decide for oneself].