A sweet friend has suggested that I also post about parenting - so the series begins.... [Marriage and relationships will bez"h continue.]
The most important thing one has to realize at the outset is that ultimately the way a child turns out IS NOT UP TO THE PARENTS!!!!! They can do their best to impart their values and give their love and do everything a model parent does but when all is said and done the child has a mind of his own and will determine his fate. For nine months we can more or less control the child but then the child gets a mind of his own [we call this transition "birth"].
We all know people who grew up in homes which left much to be desired [or "messed up" to be blunt] yet turned out great. We also know people who grew up in great homes and turned out in a way that leaves much to be desired [see inside previous brackets:)].
So one must CONSTANTLY daven that his child go on the right path. Lots of tefillah, good parenting skills - and then hope for the best.