Thursday, February 3, 2011

Big Sunday Ahead Of Us!

A defining moment in my life:

The year is 1991 and I am a student in Mesivta D'Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. It is Superbowl Sunday. Giants against the Bills. I have two choices. I can watch the game. Or I can go to afternoon seder and continue plowing through Maseches Gittin. What's the question?? I am a red blooded American who CAN'T MISS this ALL-IMPORTANT game. The Gemara can wait. It's not going anywhere.

I went to seder.

At that moment I made a life changing choice. The eternal word of G-d over and above the shtus and nonsense of Western subculture. I have never seen a Superbowl since. When I meet the Heavenly Court I don't think I will have much to show for myself but I will definitely bring January 27 1991 with me and hopefully that will be my ticket to eternity.

A note on the game - serves the Bills right for defeating my beloved Dolphins.

A word on my beloved Dolphins - we got divorced long ago. Is Marino still playing??

ברוך אלקינו שבראנו לכבודו והבדילנו מן התועים ונתן לנו תורת אמת וחיי עולם נטע בתוכנו

Love and blessings!

PS - A special thank you to my parents who always let me attend the Yeshivos of my choice - and even paid for the black hat and dark suit:).