Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don't Stop At 100!

The Gemara says that one cannot compare one who reviews 100 times to one who reviews 101 times. The person who reviews just one hundred times is in the category of one who is not serving Hashem. What is the big difference between 100 and 101??

When I review 100 times I get smug and feel that I don't need to learn anymore. I MADE IT! Reviewing the 101st time shows that I realize that there is still more to accomplish and I haven't yet arrived at my spiritual destination.

"Amalek" is composed of "amel kuf" - I toiled 100 times [kuf is in gematria 100]. An Amalekian attitude is "I don't have to grow any more."

Pilei Pla'os!!:)

[Rav Ephraim Eisenberg ztz"l, Rebbe in Ner Yisroel in the name of his father in law Rav Gifter ztz"l Rosh Yeshivas Telz.]