Sunday, April 15, 2012

Did You Go See Rebbe ....?

I don't remember if I have written about this in the past, so if I am repeating myself I apologize.

There is a phenomenon of "Mekubalim" who have to raise money for their institutions so they come to America and people come to see them and receive advice, segulos, promises and brachos. The "brachos" part is great. Any bracha from a Jew has value. The "advice and segulos and promises" are where the problems begin. Example: One of these people might say to a single "You will be engaged by Purim". Lo and behold, Purim comes and Purim goes and no zivug in sight. One can be מלמד זכות that they didn't mean by THIS Purim the person will be engaged but by Purim in 22 years but there are other things that they say which flat out don't happen. This makes people cynical and they lose faith in Rabbonim altogether.

The "Mekubalim" also tell people to do things which are not in their best interests. "Marry this girl" they will say, while the truth is that this is the right girl for him like I am the right girl for him. People assume that they are speaking from Ruach Hakodesh and are afraid to act otherwise. I say that we are given a brain and we should use our logic to make the right decision. The correct way is that he meet both parties or be given all the relevant information and he can make a recommendation which is discussed with the questioner. I find it quite disturbing that in 30 seconds he will make a life changing decision for someone he has never met. Troubling is an understatement...

Some of these people MIGHT have Ruach Hakodesh but not EVERYTHING they say is based on this Ruach Hakodesh. So if they say "Go to college and become a lawyer" it doesn't mean it's necessarily Ratzon Hashem. I am not sure they know what goes on in college campuses. I know what college is like so I will never say "Go to college and become a lawyer" [unless the person won't fall in ruchniyus ואין כאן המקום להאריך]

Some of these people give kavod to רשעים because these רשעים give them big money. Another huge problem. It comes down to money.

My advice is to have a Rav or Rebbe and you don't need to go to these people and you can save your money. A Rebbe knows you and will learn all the details before giving advice and guidance. Rav Yaakov Hillel, one of the biggest Mekubalim alive, wrote an entire book decrying the phenomenon of "Mekubalim" called [in English] "Faith and Folly".

There are too many bad stories. People have trouble connecting to an abstract G-d so they search for a concrete כל יכול - all powerful person. If these people really had so many powers then why are there still sick and poor and single and sad people?? They should just do their magic and make everything better.

So of course we believe באמונה שלימה that צדיקים have special כחות but make sure that the person is really a tzadik and keep in mind that only Hashem has unlimited power.

ישמע חכם ויוסיף לקח.