Saturday, April 21, 2012

Personal Request

I usually try to avoid posting personal requests but I can no longer resist. The Rebbe Shlita has pneumonia so PLEASE daven. Ha'Admor Avdicha Reb Yitzchak Menachem ben Gittel Mirel Breindel Leah.

[My Simcha'le was sick all last week but I resisted the urge to ask everyone to daven. Don't like to trouble people. Baruch Hashem he is better. הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו!!]

To add to my "Excuses" post: Despite his illness he hasn't missed a tisch or a shiur. He could but he chooses not to. By the way - how much does he get paid for what he does??


But he is determined to spread ruchniyus so he is not going to let some inflammed lungs get in his way...

No excuses.