Monday, April 2, 2012

The Reign Of Superficiality

I was once at a sheva brachos and someone was describing the chosson: "He is a perfect!"
Wow, I thought to myself, perfect at 23. So quick. How did he get there? Will he guide me? He must then have ruach hakodesh because if even some imperfect tzadikim have ruach hakodesh, he certainly must have. [Excuse the sarcasm:-)]

Sometimes I hear about a girl "Ala mylos" - She has all the positive qualities. Gee whiz, it CAN'T be. No girl has ALL the positive qualities. EVERY GIRL is a mixture of good qualities and qualities that she has to work on. I know some of the BEST girls [for whatever strange reason they attend my shiurim] and NONE of them are perfect at EVERYTHING.

The reason this bothers me so much is because the middah of "emes" is taking a beating. When we superficially classify people we distance ourself from truth and willy nilly from its Source.

Let's try to be psycholgically more complex and nuanced and appreciate the infinite levels of the human soul.

[The truth is that I am trying to say something else but I don't think I will be properly understood in the limited forum of a blog post so I suffice with this and תן לחכם ויחכם עוד].