Friday, April 20, 2012

Remove The Yetzer Hara

A Parshas Shmini thought...

Moshe tells the people [9/6] "This is what Hashem that you should do". The question is WHAT??? What should they do?? The pasuk doesn't say. The Medrash says that they should remove the yetzer hara from their hearts. THAT is what they should do.

What yetzer hara is the Medrash referring to? There are many suggestions. The Ponim Yafos says that it is referring to the yetzer hara of arrogance [gyveh]. After setting up the mishkan and Hashem appearing in His glory they are liable to feel excessively haughty. The Noam Elimelech says it is referring to the yetzer hara of sheker עיין שם. The Imrei Emes says that it is referring to the yetzer hara of machlokes and that is why the Medrash concludes ותהיו ביראה אחת ובעצה אחת.

The Heilige Beis Yisrael [Gerrer Rebbe] asked why the Medrash was so cryptic and didn't identify the yetzer hara? He answered that every generation has their own yetzer hara so the Medrash left it open so that in every generation it could be interpreted according to that generation's particular yetzer hara. In the Noam Elimelech's time it was sheker. In the Imrei Emes' time it was machlokes. In our generation, said the Rebbe, the yetzer hara is עניני קדושה and טהרה - being spiritually holy and pure, not looking at what we shouldn't see and not thinking about what we shouldn't think etc.

[Told by the Rebbe Shlita]