Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Brachos 8a

גדול הנהנה מיגיע כפיו יותר מירא שמים

Greater is one who benefits from the labor of his hands more than a yarei shomayim.

Thought provoking: If the one who is benefiting from the labor of his hands is also a yarei shomayim then OF COURSE he is greater. If he is NOT a yarei shomayim then how can he possibly be greater?

Two answers:

A] The נהנה מיגיע כפיו is ALSO a yarei shomayim but the difference is that the yarei shomayim [in this context] spends all day in the beis medrash while the נהנה מיגיע כפיו is out in the fields or on Madison Avenue. If a person can be a true yarei shomayim while being involved in the world and making his own living he has a certain superiority over the yarei shomayim who doesn't have to face such challenges. [אמרי אברהם פרשת ויקהל]

B] The emphasis is that the נהנה מיגיע כפיו enjoys Hashem's world while the yarei shomayim [in this context] is more of an ascetic and fore swears the pleasures of chocolate and a cool watermelon on a hot day. If one can enjoy this world and still have yiras shomayim he is greater than one who abstains. This is borne out by the Yerushalmi that Hashem will take us to task for all the pleasure we could have derived from his beautiful world and didn't. [ברכת אהרן] 

I think that the amount of hashkafa we can learn from the first perek of Brachos could sustain us forever.