Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The week is characterized by busyness or activity,
while the Sabbath is grounded on stillness, on the nullification of oneself in the downpour of holiness. And this self-repudiation is expressed by a renunciation of all work, whether it be in the physical sense, as being busy in the world, or in the spiritual sense, as engaging efforts to correct one’s soul. In fact, the very power to receive the spiritual essence of the Sabbath comes from one’s readiness and ability to surrender…

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, The Thirteen Petalled Rose

Many of us want to control our lives. We exercise to make sure we remain healthy, we work hard to make sure that we have sufficient funds, we daven hard for whatever we need to make sure that all of our needs are fulfilled.

Life, however, teaches us that we have very little control over ANYTHING. Illness, death, financial difficulties, problems finding a spouse, having and raising children etc. etc. all seem to be present themselves to so many despite all of their efforts. A person can jog 5 miles a day and eat lots of fiber, fruits and vegetables [organic!] and drink fresh juices and still get sick or die young. Happens all the time. I know people who work very hard and have no money or less... I know great people who invest in their children who turn out to be less that stellar Ovdei Hashem. We are NOT in control.

We are also not fatalists. We do what we can to take care of ourselves. We look both ways before crossing. We get jobs and work hard. We send our children to good schools and try to set a positive example at home. But ultimately, all is in the hands of Hashem.

In the gemara a week is called "Shabbos". All week long has to be "Shabbos-dik". Not that we don't work but that we let the MESSAGES of Shabbos permeate our lives. One message is surrender. On Shabbos we turn off all of our contraptions and we cease in our attempts to conquer the world. We let things BE. We appreciate Who is really in control. That is something we have to take with us all week.

I receive quite a few emails from people who are having a rough time in life. One message I try to convey is to try as much as possible to EMBRACE your present reality as much as possible. As difficult as it is this is where Hashem wants you NOW and while we must try to improve our lot that doesn't mean we don't accept the present.

Painful sometimes? Yes. That is why it is so critical to possess the MOST valuable commodity known to Man.


Love and blessings:-)