Monday, October 1, 2012

Emunah In Chazal

Rav Soloveitchik used to give shiurim to balabatim at the Moriah shul on the Upper West Side of Manhattan [sort of a shul for diamond dealers from Belgium who liked to speak yiddish, eat herring and drink a little schnapps for kiddush. I've known a few. Good men....]. He taught all of masseches brachos and in particular delved deeply into the aggados with the commentary of the Maharsha and other ba'alei machshava, even in the ninth perek which is all about dreams. He explained that the psychology of the layman is that if the halachic gemaras make no sense to him, he will assume that it is his own inadequate understanding and no fault of Chazal. But if he doesn't understand the non-halachic aggadic gemaras he will attribute the inadequacy to Chazal. That will bring him to apikorsus. Thus Rav Soloveitchik felt compelled to go to great lengths to explain and clarify the aggados.

[Mi-pninei HaRav Page 207]