Friday, October 5, 2012

The Almighty Dollar


אוהב כסף לא ישבע כסף!!!

People who love money can never get enough!

What does the wisest of all men say? גם זה הבל!

It is all emptiness. Hot air. GOR-NISHT!

So I am using this blog as a forum to register a PROTEST against all of those people who worship money and flatter and give undue honor to the possessors of money. We honor all those created bi-tzelem Elokim but believe that the greatest honor must be accorded to Torah scholars and tzadikim!! People who don't live for the Almighty Dollar but for the Almighty.

Rich people who use their money to do mitzvos and have that all-too-rare-quality of humility are similarly deserving of great respect.

Rich people who are arrogant and think they own the world and treat others condescendingly - you know what I say to them?

What Dovid Hamelech said - Tehillim chapter 49. Check it out:-)!

They should do tshuva and I should do tshuva. Elchanan Ehrman - become a Yid!!! 

One need not be wealthy to need to do tshuva.