Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Greater Than Learning?

Rav Mani says [Brachos 10b] that reading Shema at the proper time is even a GREATER mitzva than being involved in Torah study.

How does he [an amora] argue with an explicit mishna that Torah study is greater than any other mitzva - ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם? Or does he? And why is Krias Shema AT THE PROPER TIME so vital. We do it every day [except maybe Sundays for some:-)] and it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

A wonder.

שמואל בן רחללרפואת
אליהו טוביה בן שרה מלכה
פרץ ישראל בן בתיה קיילה
מרים בת חיה
ראובן אלטער מרדכי בן מלכה
שמעון יחזקל בן רחל חנה
עטרה רחל בת שרה מרים