Thursday, September 17, 2015

Is Teshuva One Mitzva Or 613 Mitzvos - Can Chasidim And Litvaks Agree?

One of the most famous discussions revolving around teshuva is the opinion of the Rambam who seems to hold that teshuva is not inherently a mitzva. He writes [Teshuva 1/1] that when one does teshuva he is obligated to say vidui, implying that vidui is the mitzva and not teshuva. Oceans of ink have been spilled analyzing the opinion of the Rambam and it is not my intention here to survey the many approaches.

However I would like to note for posterity that today I chanced upon two sources who represent two completely different schools of thought but in this instance expressed an identical understanding of the opinion of the Rambam - The Nesivos Shalom, Slonimer Rebbe, super-chasidish and Rav Berel Povarsky, Rosh Yeshivas Ponivitch, super-litvish.

They both [independently] suggest that the Rambam holds that every sin presupposes that if one doesn't repent from the sin, he is still committing it. So the Torah doesn't have to tell us to do teshuva as this mitzva is encompassed in the command not to do the aviera! So when the Torah says, for example, "don't eat trief", it is also saying "do teshuva if you do".

Only vidui is an independent mitzva. Rav Povarsky Shlita answers based on pure logic while the Slonimer Rebbe marshals proof to this thesis from the Zohar Hakadosh.

I once heard from Rav Asher Weiss [who himself beautifully merges the Chasidish and Litvish traditions] that teshuva is not 1 mitzva but 613 mitzvos. Every mitzva cries out - do teshuva if you don't follow me properly.