Sunday, November 22, 2015

Chochma Ba-goyim

The Maharal in his Ner Mitzva discusses the idea that Yavan vs. Yisrael was חכמה אנושית against חכמה אלקית - Human wisdom against G-dly wisdom.

There is a famous Chasidishly raised religious personality I was reading about who is still officially frum but is working hard at getting an advanced college degree. He talks about the invigorating, refreshing, illuminating experience of garnering knowledge that had been denied him as a youth. He doesn't need the money - has he a very well paying job. It is learning secular wisdom "לשמה". 

I am not criticizing him because I am not him and Chazal say אל תדון את חברך עד שתגיע למקומו - Don't judge your friend until your are in his exact place. But I will say this. I am SURE that he never truly enjoyed the taste of a Rebbi Akiva Eiger, a Shaagas Aryeh or anything similar. Nothing all of best of English Literature can hold a candle to the spiritual and intellectual pleasure of Toras Hashem. People who seek elsewhere for their spiritual sustenance are lacking an appreciation of what their own tradition has to offer. 

The rare personality of someone such as Rav Aharon Lichtensten used secular literature to ENHANCE HIS RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE AND SERVICE but it was never a substitute for Torah study and was always, as the Rambam wrote, רקחות וטבחות mere servants, to enable one to reach one's goals in life.

Chazal say on the pasuk אם ריק מכם - If it is empty - מכם it is because of your own inadequacy. Chanukah is a time to refresh our connection to our עץ חיים and to weaken any deeper spiritual connection we have to secular knowledge. If we need it then we should use it - but never at the expense of Torah. 

How sad it is that so many of our kids go off to secular colleges, preparing for a lifetime of racing rats, when they lack a love and passion for Torah. 

"אם יאמרו לך יש חכמה בגוים - תאמין. תורה בגוים - אל תאמין" - The goyim have some chochma but no Torah.

And it is Torah that keeps our nation alive and strong.....