Thursday, November 12, 2015

Start Today:-)!

לזכות ר' יצחק יונה בן חנה לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיו לאריכות ימים ושנים טובות

The example in the gemara [Kiddushin 31] of how far one must go to honor one's parents is that of a goy from Ashkelon named Dama ben Nesina. Why a goy? Were there no Jews in history who honored their parents as required??

The answer is that the gemara is teaching us a huuuuge lesson. Honoring one's parents is not just about "frumkeit". It is a basic, fundamental, elementary obligation that is dictated by the mind and conscience and even a goy who has no Torah, no Mesorah, no moral training [necessarily] can understand the gravity of this moral law.

We, the Jews, are supposed to learn a קל וחומר. For it is not just a moral obligation for us but is also the "centerpiece" of the Aseres Hadibros!! How much more so must we honor and strive never to cause anguish to our parents.

If you want to start being an even better child that you already are - TODAY is the best day to start.....:-).