Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"Free" Doesn't Always Lead To Good

Why are Jews so enamored of the idea of "free choice" [בחירה חפשית]?

Because it's free...

What does it mean when we ask Hashem every day ואל תשלט בנו יצר הרע - our yetzer hara shouldn't rule over us? We all have free choice so why is this a concern for which we must daven??

We see that at times free choice is denied to various people either because of their sins [as the Rambam explains about the hardening of Paroh's heart] or in order to teach others the power of teshuva [as we find regarding the sin of Dovid Hamelech - see Avoda Zara 4]. We therefore ask Hashem not to take away our free choice which would enable our yetzer hara to have free reign.

[עפ"י סידור עולת ראי"ה]