Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Inappropriate Speeches - Kol Hakavod Li-tzahal!

About seven years ago, I attended a Bar Mitzva where a Rabbi approached the Baal Ha-simcha and asked to say a few words of divrei bracha. This was a distinguished Rabbi and the Baal Ha-simcha didn't feel comfortable turning him down so he agreed. The Rabbi arose and instead of offering "divrei bracha" he gave a full length shiur on the virtues of the "holy Medinat Yisrael".

The Bal Ha-simcha was not pleased. Firstly, he didn't share this Rabbi's unbridled enthusiasm for the "holy Medinah". B] He spoke on and on and on. To the point when the Baal Ha-simcha didn't feel comfortable giving his own speech because people had to sit through such a long one already and there is a concept of צער בעלי חיים that he didn't want to violate. C] He lied. He didn't offer divrei bracha but used that suggestion as a ruse to spread his Mercaz HaRav propaganda. 

I was recently at another [Charedi] simcha where one of the speakers basically ignored the Chosson and Kalla and used the forum as a platform to pontificate to everyone about how great Medinat Yisrael is. One thing is for sure - he was convinced. I don't know if he convinced anyone else but everyone listened [or pretended to listen] respectfully. 

Don't get me wrong - the Medina we have is FAAAAAR better than any possible alternative in our present situation. It is also an act of Hashem [what isn't?!]. It is a gift we must appreciate. Things have never been better materially and in some respects spiritually [i.e. the number of lomdei Torah, yeshivos, Kollelim, large families being built etc.] in world history. We enjoy our freedoms and thank Tzahal for all they do, putting their lives on the line and undergoing great physical duress in order to protect us from our countless enemies. The government paves roads, provides socialized medical care etc. etc. etc. I am not a fan of ingrates and don't want us to be such people.

That being said, I am not able to understand how people ascribe to the entity of "Medinat Yisrael" holy qualities. The Knesset is filled with Arabs, leftist-anti-zionist-renegade-Jews and secular Jews who halachically qualify as goyim in certain respects [one can't drink wine that they move etc.] by dint of their being mechalelei shabbos. A female member of Knesset recently said [to give one example of tens of thousands] that the nuclear family of a father and mother is the LEAST safe for children. Scary. The Ponovitcher Rav famously remarked that he couldn't afford to be a member of Knesset. When asked what he meant he explained that he doesn't have enough money to buy all of the new clothing that he will have to buy when he rips his clothing every time he hears blasphemy. 

And what about the Rambam [Melachim 1/7]?

"ולא המלכות בלבד אלא כל השררות וכל המינויין שבישראל ירושה לבנו ולבן בנו עד עולם והוא שיהיה הבן ממלא מקום אבותיו בחכמה וביראה היה ממלא ביראה אף על פי שאינו ממלא בחכמה מעמידין אותו במקום אביו ומלמדין אותו וכל מי שאין בו יראת שמים אע"פ שחכמתו מרובה אין ממנין אותו למינוי מן המינויין שבישראל".

"Not only the monarchy, but all other positions of authority and appointments in Israel, are transferred to one's children and grandchildren as inheritances forever.

The above applies if the knowledge and the fear of God of the son is equivalent to that of his ancestors. If his fear of God is equivalent to theirs but not his knowledge, he should be granted his father's position and given instruction. However, under no circumstance should a person who lacks the fear of God be appointed to any position in Israel, even though he possesses much knowledge."

If someone lacks fear of Hashem - he shouldn't be appointed to any position of authority!!! So from the Prime Minister on - almost every person in our "holy government" should step down from his position. So rules the Rambam. 

Again - what we have is better than an Arab government or any of the rulers who were in charge until 1948 and we must appreciate what we have in a historical context. But we must also remember that we only love and live in the Land of Israel because the Torah says so. And the Torah also says to keep Shabbos and eat kosher. It is very problematic to fully embrace a government that includes a majority of people who willfully don't live according to Hashem's laws. 

It is also not worth using a simcha as a podium to talk about it how wonderful the Medina is while completely ignoring the many problems. A simcha is a time to thank Hashem, share a [brief] Torah thought related to the happy event and to praise the Baalei Ha-simcha for their many virtues - not to talk pseudo-religious-politics.

Two more reminisces: At one of my sheva brachos' someone gave a looong impassioned speech about how we musn't give land to Arabs and must protect ourselves militarily. What did THAT have to do with anything?? I remember as he was talking that the atmosphere in the room was intensely serious and heavy. Not appropriate for a sheva brachos. Another person [a very well known Rabbi in the MO world] spoke about how HIS STUDENTS watch movies and go to Broadway shows and that is the Torah way. He proved this dubious [to say the least] assertion by quoting the pasuk in that weeks parsha "על הארץ תשפכנו כמים" - We must throw the blood of a slaughtered animal on the ground and not drink it. How that proves his point is a puzzle that has eluded me for the 23 years since that fateful sheva brachos.....