Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Great Man - Links

Today is the yahrtzeit of Rav Ben Tzion Kahn ztz"l, Baal Ha"Avnei Tzion". You probably never heard of him but he was one of the biggest geonim ever to walk the streets of America. He not only knew thousands of very complex sfarim [which he would quote with the EXACT source - no computers, just his hasmada and memory] but more than that his chidushim are just OFF THE CHARTS. NOT SHAYICH!!!  IMPOSSIBBBLLLLEEE to be that brilliant. And in the US he wasn't even a practicing Rav. "Just" a businessman. He was even holier because he was a holocaust survivor who remained [and became an even greater] Tzadik!

I purchased a dusty copy of אבני ציון חלק א years back and I was SMITTEN. I couldn't find the other volumes in sefarim stores so I would go to the National Library to photocopy pieces. Then I was in Williamsburg for a wedding and I went to his son to purchase my own copies. [He was really nice. Sat me down, gave me some refreshing OJ and we schmoozed]. 

Here is a recent shiur I gave over from a simman of his sefer. I have given numerous others in the past and hope to give more. Here is the third volume, available for FREE download!!! Here is a sefer of collected articles ordered according to parsha. 

Please say a perek tehillim or learn a mishna for HaGaon Rav Ben Tzion ben R' Eliyahu Hakohen ztz"l.