Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Evil Doctors?? : The Torah Perspective

 Someone told me with righteous indignation that "I don't listen to doctors, I listen to the Toirrraaahhhh".

Sounds GREAAATTTTT!!!!! How can we listen to those EVIL doctors who tell us not to follow the Torah!!! "טוב שברופאים לגיהנום" our Sages say!!

Well, it turns out that the TORAH tells us to listen to doctors. It is like saying "I don't listen to my parents, I listen to the Toiiirrraaahhhhh". Yes, but the Torah says that you should listen to your parents. So how can you hear Dvar Hashem TODAY? Whatever your parents say! THAT is Dvar Hashem. 

If two measly doctors say that a sick person must eat on Yom Kippur and a THOUSAND doctors AND the sick person say that it is unnecessary - we listen to the TWO DOCTORS [See Yoma 83 and Shulchan Aruch Vol. 6, 618/4].

A fortiori [קל וחומר] in our days where doctors are not telling us to eat on Yom Kippur or do any other sins. 

Some argue "but other experts say that....". OK. So we "pasken" like the doctors and experts who are more stringent. 

Am I wrong?