Sunday, October 24, 2021

Darkness As Light


From the web:

"Beth’s affair shook her marriage to the core. Her husband was devastated, and she was panicked. She still loved him deeply [as evidenced by the fact that she cheated on him] and didn’t want to lose the life they’d built together by ending their marriage. But limiting her romantic life to a monogamous relationship with her husband, Beth realized, was impossible [really? It is IMPOSSIBLE to remain with one's clothing on???]. An open relationship, or ethical non-monogamy in this case, seemed to be a far better choice [if you have the moral turpitude of the likes of Bill Clinton and other American heroes]  — one that might save her marriage. 

Beth and her husband worked past her affair, and then, in a series of long conversations that took place over the course of years, negotiated a new agreement: They’d embrace ethical non-monogamy and open their marriage to other romantic partners while still remaining with each other. [Marriage without commitment. No attempt at self control. Unbridled lust encouraged]. Beth stoked some old flames and lit some new ones. Despite his initial reluctance, her husband embraced the new phase of their now polyamorous marriage [of COURSE he did. He is male... No offense. Some of my best friends are male] and entered into a long-term relationship with a woman he’d met on an online dating site.

A funny thing happened to the two of them: Free of any fear or worry about potential cheating, they treated each other with newfound trust [trust that what? There is nothing left to trust] and openness. Beth even helped her metamour, the term for her husband’s girlfriend, get a job at her company. [Beth - get a GOOD shrink and some meds please.]

“It saved our marriage,” Beth said. “But that’s probably only because there was something to save.”

An open marriage isn’t for everybody, but as Beth’s story shows, it can work very well for certain people open to ethical non-monogamy. A growing number of Americans are reconsidering whether monogamy is a necessary part of a relationship, and consensual non-monogamy (CNM), has become more accepted and widespread. Although certain therapists and relationship experts have been slow to adapt to the change [why wouldn't they EMBRACE such a phenomenal idea???] a group of [degenerate, salacious, depraved and decadent] cutting-edge researchers, advocates, and writers believe CNM is a great option that should be considered more often. Many even believe it could define the future of American marriage. [Aliyah, anyone???]

Americans today are clearly curious about alternatives to monogamy. Mainstream news outlets, books, and films have put polyamory and other forms of CNM in the spotlight [including Bar Ilan University that had a seminar on the topic]. Meanwhile, internet searches about polyamory and other forms of open relationships have spiked over the past 10 years. And this curiosity isn’t just in the media and online. A recent Kinsey Institute research poll estimated that 20 to 25 percent of Americans have engaged in some form of CNM at some point in their lives, a figure roughly equal to the percentage of Americans who own cats as pets [soon, people will start marrying their pets too]. And that number is likely to increase, as evidence shows that people under 30 are more open to CNM than older age groups."


This is a BRILLIANT idea!!! Instead of calling it adultery, immorality, licentiousness and other pejorative terms, they give it a smooth sounding acronym "CNM", and it is totally cool. WOW!!  

"A group of cutting-edge researchers, advocates, and writers believe CNM is a great option that should be considered more often". 

Why do they believe this? B/c they are G-dless!!! Every belief is based on a set of assumptions. Theirs is [among other assumptions] that there is no such thing as objective morality. 

Says the Malbim [Parshas Vayeira]: 

(יא) "ויאמר אברהם כי אמרתי רק אין יראת אלהים במקום הזה", הודיע לו שגם אם נראה איש או עם שהוא פילוסוף גדול וחקק לו נמוסים ישרים, והרגיל א"ע במדות טובות ע"פ עצת שכלו, והוא עושה משפט וצדקה הכל עפ"י עצת שכלו, בכ"ז לא נוכל לבטוח על האיש ההוא או העם ההוא, שבעת תסיתהו תאותו לעשות רע שתמיד יגבר שכלו על תאותו, כי בהפך עת תבער בו אש תאותו אל אשת חן או הון רעהו באין רואה, אז גם שכלו ילך שולל לרצוח ולנאוף ולעשות כל רע, רק כח אחד נמצא בנפש האדם אשר בו נוכל לבטוח שלא נחטא, והיא מדת היראה השתולה בנפש, עד שממנה יסתעף סעיף אחד שהיא יראת אלהים, עת תמלא הנפש מיראת אלהים המשקיף על נגלהו ונסתריו והצופה אל כל מעשיו, אז גם עת יגבר עליו יצרו יירא ויבוש מהמלך הגדול הרואה את כל מעשיו ויזהר מעשות רע, וכמ"ש יראת ה' מוסר חכמה, יראת ה' ראשית דעת, וכמו שהתבאר אצלי בפרטות בספר משלי, ועז"א, "כי אמרתי" הגם שראיתי עמך שהם בעלי מדות טובות עושים משפט וצדקה, ולא ראיתי בם שום דופי, "רק" חסרון אחד "שאין יראת אלהים במקום הזה" [כי א"א שיהיה בם יראת אלהים, רק אם מאמינים בהשגחה פרטית, שה' רואה ויודע ומשגיח על כל עלילות מצעדי גבר, לא אם יאמרו שהעולם קדמון ומתנהג בדרך הטבע]. "והרגוני על דבר אשתי". לא אוכל לבטוח בם, שעת יראו אשה יפה ותבער בם אש התאוה, לא יוכלו לכבוש את יצרם ויהרגו אותי, אחר שלא יראו אלהים, השכל לבדו ונמוסים השכליים לא יעמדו בפני זרועות התאוה:

If there is no fear of G-d - ANYTHING goes. Anything. Even for educated, enlightened, seemingly dignified people. Tyvah is stronger than any human-made moral code. If they rules are too constricting, if they require restraint, just change 'em. But we are all human beings with a conscious, so to make it easier, we can call it an "open relationship, or ethical non-monogamy"!!!


It is clear to me that no normal man or woman wants their spouse to be with someone else and it has a very detrimental effect on any relationship, but people are willing to put up with it because of the benefits - i.e. they too can be serial adulterers without having to fear any repercussions. 


 וַיַּ֧רְא אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶת־הָאָ֖רֶץ וְהִנֵּ֣ה נִשְׁחָ֑תָה כִּֽי־הִשְׁחִ֧ית כׇּל־בָּשָׂ֛ר אֶת־דַּרְכּ֖וֹ עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ

I was once listening to a program where therapists treat patients on line. So this lady complains that her husband keeps cheating on her and won't stop. So the therapist [a Jewish woman] suggests she go for the "ethical non-monogamy" "open marriage" thing. The woman is like "that's not for me". But the therapist doesn't let up and suggests it again only to be told again that it wasn't something she was willing to go that route. [One of the major, outspoken proponents of this terrible consensual ניאוף is a professor with a very Jewish first and last name. מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו!!!]

Why did she refuse? NOT, it was clear, b/c it is disgusting and immoral but b/c it just didn't feel right for her. A woman wants to feel special and "ethical non-monogamy" is not a good way to foster such a feeling... otherwise - it would have been totally fine. 

When a person has no G-d, then all morality just falls out the window. What was once immoral gets a new name, a new identity, and becomes moral. INSANE!!! 

The same thing happened in the last few years with משכב זכור. It used to be considered sign of mental illness and a very, very severe sin. Now? It is a source of ...... PRIDE!!!!!!!!


He is so proud!!! He shares his bed with other men!! What a GREAT accomplishment!!! They should really get all these people together - men who sleep with and "marry" other men, women who sleep and "marry" other women, cross-dressers, people who have surgery to mutilate their bodies to be more like the opposite gender etc. etc. - and have a public parade. Hey - THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!! 


So לא תנאף is becoming more and more in vogue as acceptable and even laudatory behavior. Heck - it saved Beth's marriage!!! 

What about לא תרצח? Well, tens of millions believe that it is OK to kill very sick people. They call it "mercy killing". Killing is an act of "mercy". OF COURSE IT IS - if you have no G-d. Many more believe that you are IMMORAL if you say that there is anything wrong with crushing a living, breathing fetus to death!!!!!!!! This woman has every right to do what she wants. It is HER body!! It is, indeed! Problem is - there is another living being in this body who she chooses to murder b/c [often] it is just not convenient for her to have a baby at this time.

And, on a lesser scale, it is worth mentioning all of those in favor of legalizing drugs. Another philosophy created so that man can follow his base desires. 

Sweetest friends BEWARE!!! We live in a world that is descending deeper and deeper in the abyss of immorality and evil in many ways and on many levels. Even the "compassion" that so many people have is misguided and misplaced - like compassion for Arab terrorists who randomly murder innocent Jews and illegal immigrants crossing the border bringing crime and drugs into the USA.   

Let us not get swept away by this wave. We have immutable morals and values that do not change and are rooted in a Divine command. Let us make sure to remind not only ourselves but to educate our children about this so that they don't become brainwashed by the print and social medias to think that immorality is moral and that evil is good. 

ברוך א-להנו שבראנו לכבודו והבדילנו מן התועים ונתן לנו תורת אמת וחיי עולם נטע בתוכנו!!!