טבילה במקוה משפיעה בוודאות לא רק על היהודי הטובל אלא על כל הנפגשים באותו יום עם הטובל
הגרי"מ חרל"פ זצ"ל
Immersing in the mikva influences not only the Jew who immerses but also all those who come into contact with him that day.
Rav Yaakov Moshe Charlap ztz"l
Rav Charlap was the one who convinced Ben Gurion to annul the decree of forced conscription for women. He was quite good at convincing Ben Gurion to listen to him. Once he was unsuccessful at convincing Ben Gurion and explained to those who were surprised that on that day he hadn't been able to go to mikva due to illness. Mikva, he explained, tempers the brazenness of others. On that day, since he hadn't gone to mikva, Ben Gurion's brazenness was in full force....
[Shiras Hayam - Page 100]
Before Yom Tov it is especially important to go to mikva. So if you weren't planning to - think again:).