I love Jewish weddings, really I do. Recently I noticed that in America a "minhag" started where they have flashing lights of different colors giving one a "discoteque" feeling. I have no desire to be at a disco or even feel like I am in one.
So I vote for the abolishing of the "minhag" and we leave the flashing light for the goyim in mid-town Manhattan.
Ahhhh - midtown. As I was writing I had a flashback of how I asked someone for directions during a recent trip and after answering, he offered me a card which he encouraged me to take which would have dragged my poor neshama into the deepest reaches of gehenom.
I declined....
A tzadekes I know told me that she was on the train and a man offered her his card for a similar trip to the depths of gehenom.
She declined.....
May Hashem save us and bring us all up to Yerushalayim Hebenuyah. Booooy, do we need it!
A missshhhhhhiiiggggiiinneeeeee world. There seems to be no place safe from everything yicheeeee.