ויקרא יעקב אל בניו ויאמר האספו ואגידה לכם את אשר יקרא אתכם באחרית הימים
And Yaakov called to his children saying, Come near and I shall tell you what shall occur in the end of days.
הקבצו ושמעו בני יעקב ושמעו אל ישראל אביכם
Gather around, my children and listen to Yisrael your father.
Yaakov Avinu wants to reveal the future to the Shvatim. He tells them to come close. He calls for a huddle, so to speak. Sensitive information can only be transmitted intimately.
There is, however, a textual anomaly. Yaakov tells the brothers to gather 'round... twice. And he does so with using to differing terms. The first time he instructs them, "האספו" - come together. The second time he says, "התקבצו" - gather in. On a basic level we can ask why is there need for repetition, but an even sharper question is why is אסיפה first and קיבוץ second?
Reb Nosson of Nemirov (the foremost Talmid of R' Nachman of Breslev, zy"a) explains that the answer is found in in the intentions of Yaakov Avinu and the difference between קיבוץ and אסיפה.
Yaakov was trying to give over the keys that would unlock the Geulah. At first he was under the impression that the Tzadikim alone can bring the Geulah alone with their collective spiritual influence. If the unique and elevated righteous ones come together, they can bring about a turn of events that will bring Moshiach. But he came to understand that this is not the case. The Tzadikim are already close to Hashem. Moshiach is revealed when even the farthest Jew yearn to feel closeness to Hashem. It is they who will actualize redemption.
Asifah implies collecting those already present, bringing together things scattered in a confined area. Kibutz means to gather up widespread disconnection. Those who are already close, the Tzadikim, all they need is Asifah. But Yaakov teaches us that in order for Moshiach to come we need to inspire the hearts of the Rechokim - those who are distant - as well. This requires Kibutz. The revelation of G-d's majesty is thus described as "וישמעו רחוקים ויבאו ויתנו לך כתר מלוכה" - The Rechokim will hear and they shall draw near, and (specifically) they shall give to you a Royal Crown.
We sometimes feel that the big, famous Tzadikim are the ones who will bring the Geulah. They, with the seemingly never-ending Tefilos are the real difference makers. We now know that the opposite is true. It is us, the regular people, with our ups and downs and our shortcomings who will reveal the greatest Kavod Shomayim.