Brisk and Chabad - the sequel [video].
Emes Vi-yatziv. Including an insightful remark from Rav Soloveitchik on the vulgarity of ceremonialism which afflicts so much of modern religious behavior and practice. No pnimiyus, no feeling. Iyy yyyiii yyyyiii!
Women and zimmun. I personally have no problem saying ברשות אמי מורתי when I am mezamen and of course women making a zimmun for themselves has ample place in halacha as the article demonstrates, but this "women's power" thing sometime gets out of hand....:-)
Why do we believe in Moshe Rabbeinu?
Is the first mishna in Shabbos referring to the people or the object? Novel. With proofs.
Can you define am yisroel?
What does emunas chachomim entail and why is it so important. Including an EYE OPENING Baal Hamaor. Contrast his summary with this:-).