Does the Torah respond to an advanced level of morality in society? What may the world look like when Moshiach comes?
Rav Kook on the "development of halacha", here and here. [Hebrew] [For a detailed discussion of the machlokes between the Rambam and Ramban about the nature of "Di-oraisa" and Di-rabanan" analyzed in the second link, see the sefer Yad Melech of HaGaon HaGadol R' Dovid Mann ztz"l at the beginning of hilchos Mamrim and/or the shiurim of E.E. on Yutorah on hilchos Mamrim based on the aforementioned sefer]. The second link includes a number of important quotations from Rav Kook's "new" sefer called "Li-nivuchei Hazman" which, for whatever reason, seems only available on line.
Pretty heavy .... and surprising.
The sugya of zchiya and shlichus from the Rosh Yeshiva of the Chabad Yeshiva in Miami Beach. He discusses the chakirah of the exact definition of shlichus, the famous Rogochover concept of פעולה נמשכת, answers the question of the Pnei Yehoshua why we are suddenly worried in the case of תופס לבעל חוב חב לאחריני that a shliach may not disadvantage someone else, when בכל התורה we are not worried about a shaliach being חב לאחריני which is why you can marry a woman with shlichus. And much-much more.
And the beautiful niggun of the Alter Rebbe I was listening to as I learned the piece...
[Recently I have had many a "linkedin" post. Maybe because I receive so many invitations to join people's professional network on linkedin:-)].