Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Worthwhile To Convert?

"When I was offered a job at another big financial firm, I told my prospective boss that I couldn’t work Friday nights and Saturdays. She said, “Hey, we’re not doing brain surgery here. The hours are normal.” Well, turns out “normal” to her was 85 hours a week. But none of those 85 hours was on Saturday, so we had a deal. Then came the Jewish holidays, which always seemed to fall at the busiest possible time. After yet another extended absence, my boss remarked that with all that extra time off, maybe she should convert. I told her it was a great idea, as long as she was willing to give up half the foods she liked, go for days at a time without electronics, and get thrown out of her host country every 100 years. “Never mind.” she said. Smooth sailing ever since."
