I have 2 friends who left Eretz Yisrael with their families a few months ago. It didn't work out here for them. Now another friend tells me that he is leaving [after being here for about 25 years or so] with his family.
It makes me realize - not everyone has the zchus. Some people don't try so that is their choice. But even among though who do try - many return to their homelands. Others remain but have a very rough time [such as with children or parnassa]. Baruch Hashem I have been here for over 30 years and consider myself incredibly lucky [although it hasn't been without challenges, particularly financial and familial- not that they wouldn't of been had I lived in the States].
So if you are zoche to live in Israel - don't forget to thank Hashem. A good place to do so is .... the second bracha of bentching. Rav Charlap teaches that when one lives in Israel he must appreciate not only the spiritual blessings of the land but the physical ones too, as Hashem told Avraham לך לך - Go [to Israel] and Rashi comments להנאתך ולטובתך - for your pleasure and your good. Eretz Yisrael should be a good pleasure!!!
If you are not fortunate enough to live here - then by all means - visit often and also send money to those who do live here. You are not just supporting needy people, you are not just supporting fellow Jews - you are supporting Hashem's beloved land.