Tuesday, November 14, 2017

You Never Know

I am not really planning to die anytime soon and I, in theory, would even buy green bananas. But you never know. So for the record - I want there to be singing and simcha at my funeral. The gemara says that one is obligated to say the bracha of Dayan Ha-emes with the same simcha one would feel when making a bracha upon hearing great news. 

So if you are reading this and are at my funeral, please make it known. Simcha-dike singing.  

People should walk away uplifted. I am not into this melancholy stuff. That is for the sitra achra

That being said, I hope Hashem gives us ALL long life, health, prosperity and all of the brachos possible. 

As Yitzchak blessed Yaakov - ויתן לך אלקים - יתן ויחזור ויתן!! MORE AND MORE AND MORE!!!

I love you Hashem and I love you dear readers!!!