Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Mitzva Li-shma - Chaya Chana Bas Orna Adel

 Shalom sweet readers of the blog!!

I have a close friend in my neighborhood who is a tremendous Baal Yisurim [w/o going into details - not the person I collected for before Pesach]. Among other things - his daughter [חיה חנה בת אורנה אדל] has cancer and is being treated in the States. He just called me b/c his daughter [a young mother] is having surgery and he and his wife are going to be with her. The flight [tomorrow] is over SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SHEKELS [fortunately I moved here almost 35 years ago when airfare was still inexpensive. You could almost buy the plane back then for what the flight costs today]. He called me for help b/c he knows who has the "heavy money" 😂😂. . I am like Gates and Zuckerberg. None of us graduated college.

Anyway - I turn to you to take part in this great mitzva. There is no matching, no promises from Tzadikim, no raffle tickets, no glossy advertisements, no fluff. Just a Tzadik who is suffering and we can alleviate it just a bit which is actually why we came to this earth..... 

Oh, I forgot. You have a promise from HASHEM: 

"אמר הקב"ה: לי יש ארבעה בני בית, שהם: הלוי, הגר, היתום והאלמנה.
ולך יש ארבעה בני בית, שהם: בנך, ובתך, ועבדך ואמתך, אם אתה משמח את שלי, אני משמח את שלך".

For information -- 

Thanks and תזכו למצוות 😘😘