Jewish American computer scientist and podcaster Lex Friedman blocked Chabad Tefilin inspirer and influencer Yossi Farro on X for no apparent reason.
Farro recently tweeted an invitation to wrap Tefilin with Lex Fridman, saying: “Hey Lex Fridman, God willing, I’ll be at the inauguration, and I hope to wrap tefillin with you there!”
In the sefer נגילה ונשמחה you can find an fascinating correspondence between Maran HaRav Hutner זצ"ל and the Lubavitcher Rebbe זצ"ל about the efficacy of הנחת תפילין on unaffiliated Jews where Rav Hutner claimed it was meaningless ע"ש.
Lex holds like Rav Hutner. Yossi F. like his Rebbe. אלו ואלו דברי א-להים חיים!!!