צִדְקַ֣ת יְ֭שָׁרִים תַּצִּילֵ֑ם וּ֝בְהַוַּ֗ת בֹּגְדִ֥ים יִלָּכֵֽדוּ׃
רש"י משלי י"א:ו'
ובהות בוגדים ילכדו – בהוות שהם עושים הם נלכדים, והרי זה מקרא מסורס: ובוגדים בהוות ילכדו.
but in the destruction - In the destruction that they perpetrate, they are caught; the verse is transposed. [It means] "and the treacherous in the destruction will be caught."
It is with great sadness that ----.com reports the passing of Reb ---- -----, a resident of Boro Park, who *tragically* passed away this afternoon at the age of 33.
---- was deeply involved in supporting numerous mosdos, including those of Skulen, Breslov, and Chernobyl. He was well-known for his incredible generosity and his kind, giving heart.
The levayah will be held at 9:45 PM tonight at Shomrei Hadas, located at 14th Avenue and 38th Street. The kevurah will take place at the Har Shalom cemetery in Monsey.
Yehi zichro boruch.
I saw his levaya. Such a tragedy. Such a Tzadik!!! Such a Baal Tzdaka!! Such "gitskeit"!! Oyy "such a hester ponim", lamented one of the maspidim. We don't know Hashem's cheshbonos.
Except for the fact that he reportedly [according to numerous news sources that aren't censored and laundered like many of the frum sites] committed suicide after his criminal behavior was discovered. Where was his "gitskeit" when he was defrauding people?? HE was מסתיר פנים - to his Neshama and to his family when he took his life.
He joins the other Jews who are Yaakov on the outside and Eisav on the inside. People who have a severe spiritual illness that compels them to amass incredible wealth and then steal in order to amass more.
הצילנו מדמים אלהים - Save me from making money my god, cried Dovid Hamelech.
Mussar Haskel: Crime never pays. Be honest. Don't lie, cheat or steal and you will have a much happier life and be close to Hashem whose signature is EMES. Don't run after the heavy money. Research shows that after a certain point - more money really doesn't make one happier. [I bless us all that we get to that "point"].
A word about all of the *frum* מחללי שם שמים:
רמב"ם תשובה א':ד'
אף על פי שהתשובה מכפרת על הכל, ועצמו של יום הכפורים מכפר, יש עבירות שהן מתכפרין בשעתן, ויש עבירות שאין מתכפרין אלא לאחר זמן. כיצד, עבר אדם על מצות עשה שאין בה כרת, ועשה תשובה, אינו זז משם עד שמוחלין לו מיד, ובאלו נאמר "שובו בנים שובבים ארפא משובתיכם" (ירמיהו ג':כ"ב):
עבר על מצות לא תעשה שאין בה כרת ולא מיתת בית דין, ועשה תשובה, תשובה תולה, ויום הכפורים מכפר, ובאלו נאמר "כי ביום הזה יכפר עליכם לטהר אתכם מכל חטאתיכם לפני י"י תטהרו" (ויקרא ט"ז:ל'):
עבר על כריתות ומיתות בית דין, ועשה תשובה, תשובה ויום הכפורים תולין, ויסורין הבאין עליו גומרין לו הכפרה. ולעולם אין מתכפר לו כפרה גמורה עד שיבואו עליו יסורין, ובאלו נאמר "ופקדתי בשבט פשעם ובנגעים עונם" (תהלים פ"ט:ל"ג):
במה דברים אמורים, בשלא חלל את השם בעת שעבר, אבל המחלל את השם, אף על פי שעשה תשובה, והגיע יום הכפורים והוא עומד בתשובתו, ובאו עליו יסורין, אינו מתכפר לו כפרה גמורה עד שימות, אלא תשובה ויום הכפורים ויסורין שלשתם תולין, ומיתה מכפרת, שנאמר "ונגלה באזני י"י צבאות אם יכופר העון הזה לכם עד תמותון" (ישעיהו כ"ב:י"ד):
Even though Teshuvah atones for all [sins] and the essence of Yom Kippur brings atonement, [there are different levels of sin and hence, differences in the degree of atonement.] There are sins that can be atoned for immediately and other sins which can only be atoned for over the course of time. What is implied?
If a person violates a positive command which is not punishable by karet and repents, he will not leave that place before he is forgiven. Concerning these sins, [Jeremiah 3:22] states: "Return, faithless children! I will heal your rebellious acts."
If a person violates a prohibition that is not punishable by karet or execution by the court and repents, Teshuvah has a tentative effect and Yom Kippur brings atonement as [Leviticus, loc. cit. states "This day will atone for you."
If a person violates [sins punishable by] karet or execution by the court and repents, Teshuvah and Yom Kippur have a tentative effect and the sufferings which come upon him complete the atonement. He will never achieve complete atonement until he endures suffering for concerning these [sins, Psalms 89:33] states: "I will punish their transgression with a rod."
When does the above apply: When the desecration of God's name is not involved in the transgression. However, a person who desecrated God's name, even though he repented, Yom Kippur arrived while he continued his repentance, and he experienced suffering, will not be granted complete atonement until he dies. The three: repentance, Yom Kippur, and suffering have a tentative effect and death atones as [Isaiah 22:14] states: "It was revealed in my ears [by] the Lord of Hosts, surely this iniquity will not be atoned for until you die."
PS - If he is completely innocent and the whole thing was made up - then the point is still valid.
PPS - Death is מכפר but NOT if it is a suicide רח"ל...