Friday, August 20, 2010

The Moshol

Continuing from the previous post about metaphors - meshalim .... based again on the teachings of Maran ztz"l.

We find many meshalim in our sources about a king and his people. The king - Hashem, His people - us. The reason for this is because the entire institution of kingship was created so that we would understand Divine kingship. The word for rulership in Hebrew is memshala, coming from the word moshol . Rulership on earth is just a moshol for the Divine.

The highest level of Divine service is love. The Rambam says that one must be infatuated with Hashem. Enamored, obsessed and overwhelmed with a desire and yearning to come close. The moshol for this is in Shir Hashirim, a love song alluding to the love we must feel for Hashem. The sefer begins with the words "Shir hashirim asher li'shlomo" - A song of songs of Shlomo. Shlomo was a great ruler - moshel, and from him we learn about the holiness of a moshol.

Interesting. Scramble the letters of the word שלמה and what do you get?


Good Shabbos Sweetest and Most Beloved Friends!!!:)

A shiur I heard last night about friendship.