Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What You See Isn't What You Get!

Richie lives in Beverly Hills. One day his son and little friend were playing in the house as he entered his walk-in-closet. It was piled high with 100 bills [I bless you with the same]!! His son's friend said "Oh, you also have those green papers!"

A little girl was once at my house and she saw my Encyclopedia Talmudit and exclaimed "Oh, you also have those yellow books!" YELLOW BOOKS!!! One of the most important sets of books in the history of the world! But to the uninitiated - yellow books.

This is lesson for life. Some people only appreciate the externals. What a person looks like, what he does for a living, where he lives etc. A deep person goes deeper.

Some people only appreciate this world and what they see. A deep person goes deeper.

Ain Od Milvado.