Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Dog Who Saved The Girls Life

When the Nazis came to a certain town in Poland they rounded up the Jews. All of the men went into one truck and all of the woman into another. One little girl of about 6 years old remained. She stood there frozen in fear. A Nazi sat in the truck with his beloved dog. The dogs sensed the girls fear and jumped out of the truck and sat next to her. The Nazi commanded his dog to come back. The dog didn't listen and remained by the girls side. The Nazi then sent another soldier to bring the dog back. When he came close the dog bared his teeth and made it clear that he shouldn't come any closer. The Nazi then sent a second soldier and once again the dog made it clear that coming any closer would result in the soldier being the dogs lunch. Then the Nazi himself decided to bring the dog back. When he got close the unbelievable happened: The dog once again bared its teeth and barked loudly at its owner.  

Since the Nazi didn't want to lose his beloved dog he told the girl to get into the truck together with the dog. He brought the girl home and told his maid that she should take care of the girl and would be in big trouble if anything happened to her. Amazingly, the girl spent the years of the war growing up in this Nazis house. She later came to Israel and moved to a kibbutz.

[Told by Avraham Ehrenreich, a holocaust survivor in Bisod Siach Parshas Matos]