Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Mystery?

 Dr. Paul Davies from in his book The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life: “The miracle of life is not that it is made out of nanotools, but that these tiny diverse parts are integrated in a highly organized way…with a fine tuning and complexity as yet unmatched by any human engineering…many investigators are uneasy about stating in public that the origin of life is a mystery, even though behind closed doors they freely admit that they are baffled…The problem of how and where life began is one of the great outstanding mysteries of science.”

There are many such quotes from scientists. This is good to know for when you meet someone who questions the existence of G-d based on science. Science hasn't the foggiest idea how life BEGAN [although they offer highly debatable theories as to how it evolved]. So the ONLY plausable explanation that has been offered is בראשית ברא אלוקים את השמים ואת הארץ.

Dr. Davies, incidentally, is an atheist. He, and nobody else for that matter, has presented even ONE proof that G-d doesn't exist. Theology begins [or better said, continues]  where science ends.

Keep it in your arsenal for those Jews who are still far from the Source. And don't forget to smile at them a lot....