Monday, July 9, 2012

Toda Rabba!

I have returned as a bird returns to its ken [although I would never call my wife Barbie!]. When in the US I was the recepient of COUNTLESS acts of chesed. I thank anybody and everybody and fervently hope that I can repay the kindess shown to me. It was truly humbling seeing and  meeting so many people who are superior to me in so many ways. Despite the distance from my family, I enjoyed every second of the almost seven weeks I was there [well, almost every second. Those moments on the subway weren't always so appealing... and a few other moments I will not mention:-)].

BARUCH HASHEM I saw TREMENDOUS Siyata Dishmaya and hope that much, much more Torah will be brought to the world as a result of the support shown.

In thank everybody from the bottom of my heart:-).

Love and blessings from the עיר העתיקה!