Sunday, July 29, 2012

From The Mouths Of Babes

My daughter Chana Leiba is now at that delicious age where she is not yet able to pronounce certain words correctly so she improvises. Her brother Shmuli is called "Uli". Her brother Simcha is "Galey" [took us a while to figure that one out. I call Simcha "Simcha'le" so she picked up on the "a'le" part and added a "G" at the beginning and a "Y" at the end making it "Galey"].

This brought to mind the Chazal on the pasuk in Shir Hashirim "ודגלו עלי אהבה" which is interpreted as "ודילוגו עלי אהבה" - Your skipping is beloved to me. Even when we learn and don't exactly understand what we are learning or daven and the words don't come out exactly right Hashem still loves us and enjoys our words like parents take pleasure in a child's mispronunciation of words.

Have a gweat day! Hashem woves u!!