Monday, July 23, 2012

Pre-Planned Siyum During The Nine Days

Planning siyums for the nine days in order to enable everyone to eat meat.

Two approaches. One I will call the "non-chassidc approach" and the other I will call the "chassidic approach".

The non-chassidic approach: The nine days are a time for mourning and it is against the spirit of the law to try to bypass the custom of not eating meat by making siyums that are planned out for the nine days. In the earlier part of the last century the summer camps had siyums during the nine days because the kids were poor and malnourished but today our children are well fed and there is no longer an excuse.

The chassidic approach: The galus is happening because לא עבדת את השם אלקיך בשמחה ובטוב לבב - we didn't serve Hashem with joy. Rebbe Nachman didn't originate that - Moshe Rabbeinu did [although I am sure Rebbe Nachman endorsed Moshe's idea:-)]. The way to make a tikkun is to find and invent simcha during days of mourning so we should specifically ["דוקא " - it comes out much better in the Hebrew] make siyums during the nine days.