Friday, April 26, 2013

יוסף בן רות

Was asked to post:
Please daven for my friend's husband. They are a warm, giving family with 3 children.  He has a cancerous tumor.  Doctors have said he is not a candidate for surgery, unfortunately.
Note from his mother:
It is time for us to circulate this information to as many people as possible: friends, shuls, schools, bikur cholim and tehillim lists so that more and more people beseech HaShem to help the doctors find a way to heal Yosef ben Rus.
May the merit of our prayers, tzedakah, acts of chesed (kindness), learning Torah, committing to perform a mitzvah with renewed enthusiasm, etc. reverse this terrible decree.  G-d is the Ultimate Healer.  May He grant Yosef a long and healthy life.